Progress Happens

So, last night I canned seven pints of pickle relish. That's the way to take cucumbers with us! I've also been canning tomatoes as they come ripe. Sure, it's great to have them in salads and on sandwiches, but we've got some very enthusiastic tomato vines. Going back to store tomatoes after the homegrown ones run out is always rough.

The new house is out in the boonies. So far, I haven't gotten anyone to admit that DSL is available there. I don't know how we're going to get online from home. Downgrade to dialup? Revert to the days of UUCP? shudder. This weekend, I'm driving the server down to the Mathemagician's, where it'll live and be happy. Depending on the broadband situation in the mountains, I may look into starting up a bandwidth co-op.

The new house has a septic tank; it's not on a municipal sewer system. This means that we're all going to have to adjust our water use. I think it's all going to be fine, but it will be an exercise in education.
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