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Dispatches from the Co-Prosperity Sphere

We are not defined by the products we buy, the cars we drive, the books we read or the movies we watch. We are more than consumers. We are producers, and we believe that every new skill we acquire makes our lives and our world a little bit better.


Not Even Surprised

Well, it's now 5:43 P.M., Pacific Standard Time. My ex hand until 43 minutes ago to make up his mind about whether he wanted to pay what he owes me or go to court and have to pay what he owes me plus legal costs.

Well, Monte, he chose what was behind door number TWO!!! And, as our bonus gift to him, in addition to my $3500+ in legal fees, he gets to pay airfare, hotel and rental car expenses and legal fees of his own, because this will REQUIRE A HEARING!!!

I'm joking, but I'm also deeply saddened. This was a person I loved. A person I trusted and believed in. Someone that, at one time, I knew as well as I knew myself. And then we both changed.

The part of him that changed the most was the fact that when we were younger, he would never, ever have allowed his emotions to make him abandon logic. It just never would have happened. The first warning to me should have been when he started dating a woman who exhibited several behaviors that he had, at one time told me "I would never marry a woman who..." about.

And now, she's systematically estranged from me a man whom I managed to keep as a dear friend for years after we initially divorced. She's estranged him from his daughter and from the rest of his own family who call me more than they call him.

The person I once loved deserves better than that, but he has to want it, and I don't think he does. He's not the sort of person who was ever that close to his own family, and so doesn't feel the lack of them not talking to him anymore. Now he just sees his daughter as a nuisance rather than a source of joy and pride.

I wish there were a way to reach that person that I knew. A way to talk to him without the filter of this woman who is clinging to him like Spanish moss.


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