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Dispatches from the Co-Prosperity Sphere

We are not defined by the products we buy, the cars we drive, the books we read or the movies we watch. We are more than consumers. We are producers, and we believe that every new skill we acquire makes our lives and our world a little bit better.


A Season's Rest

Don't tell me - I know. It's been three months (okay, two and a half) since our last post. But you know how things go here. If we'd had a second to ourselves, we've have blogged about it.

June: school let out and the girls were off! First everyone went to Phoenix to see the grandparents before the girls went off on a whirlwind tour of D.C., Philadelphia and New York. When the Pirate and I came back from Phoenix, where we'd spent the week before the girls left, the woman who'd been watching after the chickens and the cats told us that raccoons had gotten in. We got in at 2am and found muddy footprints everywhere, including around the toilet seat and inside the toilet bowl in the guest bath.

July: The girls had hardly shaken the dust of the road off themselves when it was time to put on another coat - AT CAMP! This was the Baby Goddess' first time at week-long sleepaway camp, but she acted completely ready for it. When asked whether she'd ever been to camp before, she gave her counselor the hand up, palm out gesture that says "Oh, please! I'm a seasoned campaigner!" She already knew that it's crucial to get the top bunk, and could recite all the important cheers, so she had plenty of free time. Meanwhile Peaches is a counselor in training. What this means is that we're paying for her to do what the camp is paying college students to do. But she's having a fabulous time.

But let us catch you up with the avian members of the household. In mid-July we'd gotten a rooster from a woman who was raising chicks in Santa Cruz and came to realize that they were not all hens. We brought him home, but alas, our joy at having another man in the house was short-lived.

You know that no happiness is had from the sort of man who won't stay home evenings with his wife. Well, our little fellow had twenty wives and still ended up leaving the yard almost nightly. He would fly over the fence and roost in the grape arbor. I had proposed clipping his wings, but the Pirate felt that he would be even more defenseless if he managed to hop out of the yard and was unable to fly back. Remember the raccoons we had back in June? Well, they haven't left. They keep trying to get in, and we keep foiling them. But we can't protect the rooster who won't go into the coop at night.

I've also discovered a new charity: I love making soap, but soap is like baking. You can only consume so much of your own product. But there is a mission near here that's always looking for soap for the people it serves. Perfect! I can make more soap, and give it to people who really need it!

And now for the big news: at the end of July, the Pirate's parents bought a house about five miles from us, moving up from southern California. It's going to be a process getting them into the house as it was a foreclosure and so not in move-in shape, but they got a nice deal and it'll be great to have them close. In the meantime, the entire clan is going to be living in our little house for a few weeks. Cozy!

I have a surprise for you, but I'm not telling until tomorrow. And then, I'll say it with pictures!


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