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Dispatches from the Co-Prosperity Sphere

We are not defined by the products we buy, the cars we drive, the books we read or the movies we watch. We are more than consumers. We are producers, and we believe that every new skill we acquire makes our lives and our world a little bit better.


We Were This Close!

After about ten days of having the bait eaten out of the trap but no rat to show for it, the Pirate relocated the trap under the chicken coop. That's right, on top of the six inches of chicken poop where the rats are making their smelly, damp burrows.

Once the long weekend was over and the cool weather returned from wherever it had been vacationing, the Pirate and I rested up from the hectic ferocity of the weekend by sitting out on the cool of the deck after sundown, reclining in our deck chairs and watching a DVD on his laptop. Right at the part where we're about to find out that it wasn't the son who murdered the woman, it was the father and then the son buried her because he was in love with her too, there was a tremendous clatter from the vicinity of the coop.

AHA! So, it was partly the location! We were going for the high-falutin', compost-chewing snobby rats, when we should have been going for the chicken-poop-tunneling, not-afraid-of-tall-men-in-muckboots coop rats! The Pirate paused the dramatic scene to rush to what he hoped would be an even MORE dramatic scene....

...and returned with an empty cage. Apparently, the rat had come in, taken the bait and tripped the trap, but because it wasn't on a stable surface, the trap rolled with the rat in it, and as it rolled, the door of the trap unlatched and the rat escaped.


But we've got a plan that involves a 1" bolt, a huge washer, a wingnut and a bit of plywood. We refuse to be beaten by something with a brain the size of a pencil eraser!


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