They Don't *Look* Mad

It's been raining for days and all the chickens are outside, pecking in the mud and sludge, having a lovely time. Every once in a while, one of them shakes the water off like a tiny little two-legged dog, but they don't look particularly put out.

They're all scratching and happy like it's a perfectly normal day. Except for one, who's keening like something's wrong, but I can't see anything wrong, so I suspect that what's wrong is "I'm cold and wet and uncomfortable and there's some wiseacre sitting in the doorway!" I'll leave them to sort it out for themselves.
And for those of you who might be curious, it has rained long and mightily, and not one of our chickens has looked up into the sky and drowned. Chickens are just not that dumb.
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