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Dispatches from the Co-Prosperity Sphere

We are not defined by the products we buy, the cars we drive, the books we read or the movies we watch. We are more than consumers. We are producers, and we believe that every new skill we acquire makes our lives and our world a little bit better.


Chicken Glamor Shots

We've finally started figuring out who's who. The chickens are getting their feathers and losing their fuzz. Their feet are humongous and they peck at everything.

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This one's an araucana - the kind that lay blue or green eggs. The araucanas are all different colors, but they all have the same markings around the face and back.

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This one's a silver-laced wyandotte. They started out all-black, but their heads are mostly white and they've got the nice striped wing feathers. They've also got weird combs over their beaks - wide and flat and red.

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This one's our mystery chicken. We're not sure what kind he is, but he's white with dark feet and light earlobes and comb. He started out looking just like the other buff orpingtons, a little yellow puffball. Now, he's totally different.

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Unmistakeably a barred rock. They're all beautiful and black and white striped, and they're all getting the cute orange combs. They're like little convict chickens.

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This is one of the buff orpingtons. Note the absolutely gigantic feet on this thing. These are the most chicken-y looking chickens we have.

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And bringing up the rear are the black australorps. They were the last to get their wing feathers, and as you can see from this one, they're still not even getting their tail feathers yet. They're all kind of runty, which is weird because they're supposed to be a large breed. But you can see their beautiful feathers with the black glint right now.

Next up - actual pictures of the chicken coop. Yay.


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